Archive | January, 2014

Totally. Definitely. Assuredly. All-encompassingly.

11 Jan

Hi 2014!

I’m going to wrap up the past year with links to photographs:
5 countries in 5 months.
6 if you count India.
4 if Paris isn’t a country.

I put the albums on Facebook but made them public. Don’t worry, I edited.
Iceland, Sweden, Paris, Turkey, Mt. Everest, Nepal.

Plus, as you scroll down there are 3 bonus pictures and unrelated trivia:

The Himalayas are the youngest and highest mountain range in the world.

The Himalayas are the youngest and highest mountain range in the world.

Once it took me 9 hours to travel 60 miles.
In a bus.

In one of the Dali Lamas past lives he died, willingly, in order to feed a starving tigress and her 5 hungry cubs. Later, once he had become enlightened, he told people where to find his bones. They built a monastery around his selflessness and remains: This place is where Buddhists feel the practice of generosity can best be cultivated.

Tibetan tea is salty.

Yak-hair-smell is hard to get rid of.

Escape Plan was a fantastic movie.
My childhood prince charming is the Beast.

I catch mosquitoes in my hand and let them go.

I (still) catch mosquitoes in my hand and let them go.

Tibetan calendars are great if you know what year it is.

“Raising a girl is like watering your neighbors garden”.

Lithuania sounds really diverse.

Nepal is the first country that would make me consider doing another 2 year Peace Corps stint.

I love compass’.

I have no idea where the months will lead but I’m hoping for another year full of vibrancy.
I seriously love you,


9 Jan

For those of you who don’t know, Molly Dworsky is my best friend.

She calls me Bamm. or Bambi.  or Bamsil in distress.

She calls me Bamm. or Bambi.
or sometimes a Bamsil in distress.

We met in college, 2005. Landon Hall, dorm room neighbors.
We were both on the intramural soccer team, playing forgettable positions, and loosing an embarrassing number of games. During warm-ups Molly, with her expressive eyes, physical exuberance, and natural propensity for silliness, kept us all entertained. She was incredibly light-hearted and I liked her right away. Within a week we were inseparable.

people might have thought we were gay

we’re not wearing pants.

The two us have been close for 8 years, lucky me, and 48 hours ago marked the debut of her “first real creative project”! — A parody to the very popular song, Royals, by 17-year-old Lorde.

I’m a huge fan; at least 500 of those views are from me.
Word on the Internet is…she’s going viral.

If you want to support Molly in pursuing her dreams of making people laugh
please, share the video.

I am mega impressed and ridiculously obsessed,