Archive | September, 2016

Pittsburgh for the Summer

18 Sep

The 4 months I spent in Pittsburgh:


Scooter lyfe.  All day.  Errrryday.

Her name is Victoria Pinksburgh II and she gets about 100 miles to the gallon.


Moms first ride on scoot scoot, scoot scoot!


We call ourselves The Empire ❤


Cruising down the Allegheny



With some Findley Lake, NY  ❤


A visit from Kevin.  Also, Chuck Deft, you almost can’t hear him.


Healthy eating and the Banff Mountain film festival.

This summer I worked heaps, joined a gym for the atmosphere, connected with old friends, made new ones, visited my parents, and saw loads of comedy including Jerry Seinfeld (a legend for a reason!), Gabriel Iglesias (you were right, Rusty, he was hilarious), Jim Gaffigan, and Dave Chappelle (chain smoking cigarettes while cracking me up).  The cool VIP coordinator, Whit, invited us to a wild Ru Paul drag race show.


Flowers, books, and points, points, points!


A pink eye: Without pre-planning, Colleen, Molly, and Sammi coordinated toothbrushes.

I showed off Pittsburgh by scooter, ate at my favorite French restaurant, saw jazz at Andy’s, didn’t put a spin on things “well she’s colouring and I’m reading.”, went a *little* overboard on flag day, reconnected with the hilarious Nick Wilt ❤ saw Helen kill-it in standup, smelled Romero (the corpse flower), went to a fun rave, cheered on the Cavs, got a private tour of Heinz Hall, had a birthday at the Mt Troy Inn, was gifted a charming plant, a Guinness tap, home-made wine, and a rhyming scavenger hunt (!), got a work-out during laser tag, joined a flower CSA, bought a new pair of Burks, helped friends connect overseas (Paula and Dana ❤ and Ben and Julia ❤ ), had wine and scrabble night, watched a friend get a thumb headdress, heard Helen giggle while thinking about the word tickle “that’s how you know you’re ticklish”, got giddy seeing the Cubs at the Fairmont, ate moms perfect pork chops, and loved going to pup night at the Pirates stadium! “These are great seats if you don’t love baseball and don’t care what’s happening down there”. – Empire jokes



Our improv teacher and her husband.

I took an improv class with Helen at Arcade Comedy, a non-profit theater downtown; 3 hours a week were dedicated to laughing, learning, and playing games.  We looked forward to class every single week, made friends, took risks, and were encouraged by our phenomenal teacher, Kristy Nolan, who was full of decades of experience and sound wisdom.  We were constantly inspired by her and applied the things she taught us to our every day lives:
Say yes to your partners suggestion!
Listen and then respond. No need to formulate a reply in advance.
Contribute and expand on ideas.
Being decisive helps your partner.
One person looks silly doing it  (e.g. A strand of pasta.)  Everyone on stage doing it looks coordinated. (e.g. A bowl of spaghetti!)
“If you’re not having fun then you’re the jerk.”


Soulmates, freaking out before our first performance.


Friends who came to support us at our 101 class show

If you’re a baker you’re going to get flour on yourself.  We’re in the comedy business, we’re going to get laughter on ourselves. ❤

I learned that everyone has an ironic trait and mine is over ordering, nicknamed myself can-can because good food tastes like it’s under $1, went to Katie Diamonds birthday party in her gorgeous new home, over-took care of my house plants, picked out favourites named Rainbow Fern and the soft Purple Passion. Leeny gifted me by taking all of my least favourites home!  Went to Britney’s bridal shower, fit in with the misfits, got competitive, and then shared all of our prizes.  Back on the scooter I laughed and Hen came close cause she heard her favourite sound.

I’ll close with some photos of animals in my life before my next post…which is about a different type of animals.  hint hint 😉


Lily! ❤ And a perfect reminder that I’m not ready for a pet.


Toby, getting ready to snuggle.


Sweet Pearl


Cash, the greatest dane







To quote my friend Gabe:
“I got lucky.  Tripped uphill. Best life I’ve known.”
from the 412,
