Archive | October, 2019

Rocktober (an October that rocked)

27 Oct

In my opinion, (and even though it’s over now), this was the most beautiful autumn on record.



Those colors are unbe-leaf-able.


And, even though change was in the air (see September slump) I found ways to enjoy the most gorgeous fall to date. Hey, did someone say date? (I did!) A solo date where I treated myself to award winning, boneless wings on Mt. Washington before a romantic walk, party of one, to make some unexpected friends.



These are the new friends I was bragging about. Aren’t they dears?


Later that month I rented a vehicle (’cause mine sounds like a bad race car) and headed to Chagrin Falls, Ohio to check out (another!) premier of The Ringmaster!  I admired leaves on the way, and admired Chagrin Falls when I got there, meeting up with Zach (the producer/star!) and Andy (hi Andy!).  We had a really nice time in Chagrin Falls; it felt like Stars Hollow but, you guessed it, with a waterfall.  




Chagrin and bear it


We grabbed onion rings (which weren’t as good as Larry’s) before the movie and waved to Kat’s mom.

After the show, we had a FABULOUS Italian dinner starting with pizza (it was Friday night, after all), including the best eggplant Zach’s ever had, and returning a soup which showed me that I don’t have to dim my sparkle.  I thought it was an absolutely fantastic night.



Pizza, the only love triangle I ever want.


It was SO FUN to see Andy and Zach get along so well (not like I was surprised), but it was cool to see two different parts of my life interacting.  In fact, by the end of dinner, Zach declared himself ‘President of the “Fan-dy” club’, and the two of them helped me solve my 5-kid dilemma. Should I just get pregnant with them all at the same time!? (Collin: ‘No.’) Overall, it was a wonderful night full of laughter, a fun movie, delicious food, and friendship/fandom. 

The next day, it was just me and Zach. We drank fruit water (exactly what it sounds like) while enjoying a perfect hot/cold combo by the fire.  After a matching breakfast, I drove back to Pittsburgh and took advantage of my easy to drive rental car by stopping at multiple grocery stores (Aldis and Trader Joes). 

Back from that short trip, I continued to throw myself into work — it was really “paying” off.  As in, I had some pretty large bank deposits despite mourning the destruction of my favorite parking garage.  And whenever I would have a particularly tough night (honestly, it was most of them) Col sent me the best, most encouraging texts.  ❤


And then later, as I recovered from a mini surgery, Collin upped the ante on his encouragement (and fun) and sent me on a scavenger hunt from afar! This, again, cheered me up, as did the Hello Fresh meal I tried (Blue Apron, it’s not what it looks like!) 



Sarri not sorry



Here’s a QUICK SHAMELESS PROMOTION for TikToktober:  Patrick, my best friend, is a hilarious, dedicated middle school teacher who’s cray cray for Tay Tay and, even though the month is over, you should go and follow him.




“What, like it’s hard?” — Legally Blonde


Other highlights?  Burger night with Emily when I really needed it. And a visit from Collin where I got to watch him and laugh.

My favorite quote from the weekend:  “I don’t think you’re ready.”






Please disregard the affair I had with Hello Fresh.  This is one of my favorite Blue Apron’s.



Never knew what peace felt like until you wrapped me in your arms.


Rocktober had another notable burger moment; the Burgatory Bash!  Emily, Laura, and heaps of other friends all got together, ate more than we could, bought food with tickets, compared delicious hamburgers, forgot which was which and tried again, almost won trivia, and browsed Barnes and Nobel to purchase more games.



Go green!



Dexter’s not catty.


After Collin left I rented another car, drove to FL, and saw my parents PLUS Aunt Betsy and Uncle Marvin  ❤  The leaves were absolutely stunning. Can’t say it enough.  And the trees losing their greens inspired us to play a game of photosynthesis while the (almost adult) kittens watched.



I spy with my little eye…something gorgeous!


When I got back to Pittsburgh I received fluffy socks in the mail, reconvened Friday lunches with Emily ❤ ❤ , discovered Spotify, stopped making meal kits (it’s not as much fun to cook for one), and booked tickets (back) to New Zealand with Rachelle. 

Rocktober continued with:

  • Helen’s first paid gig in Seattle! So proud!! 
  • A phone call with Patrick that lasted for 3 hours
  • The Thai place with mum for dinner
  • Dexter hijacking my heart: Dexter, I loved seeing you. (And I did). 
  • Pitt’s Homecoming where I met Drea and saw Pitt through the eyes of Sour Patch kids, free food, music, sing-alongs, laser shows, and smoke. 
  • Planning a couple’s Halloween costume 
  • And a Halloween Party at Rae’s. I came in third place in the costume contest (thank you!) But the highlight was when I got to pet Enzo, watch baseball, and drink what she drank. It was a pleasure meeting her friends and family — Rachel, a great host, always makes me feel so welcomed 



Pitt giving me laser vision.



The Big RaeBowski


“Hey Siri, play smooth jazz,”